My 4 Tips For Strengthening Your Hustle

Your hustle, as some call it, is about working hard to achieve your goals —leveling up and getting things done, but your hustle requires work that goes beyond a typical eight-hour day. As someone who has helped to build a successful family nonprofit, I can tell you, to achieve your goals or to do anything significant in your particular field requires a healthy balance of commitment, creativity, and a willingness to work beyond the norm. 

Here’s how:

NO. 1

Practice Self-Discipline

NO. 2

Improve Your Skills

One of the most important skills anyone can have is the skill of resourcefulness. The world is rapidly changing. You have to keep up, and you have to keep learning and growing and developing creativity no one else is thinking of.

NO. 3

Journal About Your Experience

You never know what opportunity awaits you. People who write down their experiences and share them with the world want you to learn from their mistakes and successes, and apply them in your own life. Before I started writing publicly, at an early age I was journaling about my experiences as a way to collect my thoughts. Now those same journal notes have become new content across multiple platforms.

NO. 4

Help Others

So many people take, very few people give. I’m a believer that when you teach we learn just as much; and in that context, helping others is one of the most fulfilling things we can do. It’s essential to your hustle because we accomplish nothing on our own.

Felicia R Bass